Hey, this is my website. I'm learning HTML.. and here are a few compiled projects of mine.
I chose the name "MORTALITY IS A MYTH" because of its meaning. Okay, not really i just thought it sounded emo, so i chose it. But in reality, or in my opinion at least, the name"MORTALITY IS A MYTH" is very meaningful.
It means that you are immortal. In spirit of course, value life and all that-- YOLO :3... What i mean is, you have the power to control yourself, to create your own truth. YOU ARE IMMORTAL (figuratively)
Mascot- Mortality or "Tali"
WHATHAPPENED is a short project i started yesterday (12/20/24)
THISWILLHELPME is just me testing out features and stuff. its just for reference for me, but feel free to inspect to copy it :3