Charlie/Kraft Singles.

Charlie doesn't know much about his real parents. The more time passed, the more his mental state deteriorated.

When he was young, he was kidnapped by a group of underground scientists and raised as an experiment. He was taught to read write, and do basic mathematics. (he learned more "difficult" math at age 8~. As a result, he's not very good at math.)

He thought this was normal until around 10 years old. Then he attempted escape, but he was caught. After this "incident", he was put on higher security and barely ever left without supervision.

The entire experiment was slowed down, and less time was devoted towards Charlie and the effects of his powers. Tests on him used to consist of poking and prodding him with needles. At 3 years old, he was injected withan unknown and highly experimental substance that would (supposedly) increase his natural intelligence(logic and reasoning). It would also increase skills such as dexterity, charisma, and some more animal-like abilities such as hearing and smell, due to animal/cat DNA in the substance. The scientists would constantly check up on him (until he was around 11; when the experiment started to matter less) and at somewhere close to the age of 4 years, he had sprouted cat ears, tail, etc. That increased surveillance and tests for around 2 years, give or take, but was later deemed a harmless side effect. While the animal qualities were, in fact, just a harmless side effect, another effect that scientists were unaware of was Charlie's decreasing sanity.

Anyways, since he was left mostly unsupervised, something new had come up. Charlie had always been lighthearted and struggled to understand what was going on, so he had grown desensitized to the coldness he usually recieved. Now, though, a slow hatred grew and he resented his captors, longing to be in the outside world, like he'd always dreamed. So he formulated a plan to escape and to seek revenge.

He casually murdered everyone in the building and escaped to the forest.

After a while, he was thinking. He thought about the books he'd read. Pictures and words he had never understood until right now. Until he was as utterly and completely alone as he was. He never needed these "friends" nor "family".

Until now.

Then, he thought about what he had done. Not regretfully, in fact, he was quite proud.

But, honestly, Charlie was dissapointed with the outside. Here he was, outside, like he wished. But it was empty. No "friends" nor "family".

He made his way through the green hellscape, crying. His tail had been cut off from the tip. He was bleeding a trail towards the place he was trying to leave behind.

Ok, so now he's found a city. He's tired from walking, disoriented, but he keeps going. Well, he did pause for a bit. Just a bit. He examined his tail, feeling the tender, exposed flesh of his wound. The bleeding had slowed and was stopping now. He treaded along, his mind fading into oblivion, until he dropped.

Wakes up. hospital? whats happening? Charlie sees    the     doctors,   the   s c i entis t s   . . . h e has     to r u n     t h e y ' l l        g e t     h i m     a g a innnnnm...   st   stand up.        run...    run!       RUN.

Sleep. OK. angain. again. now, run. jjjuuusss get awwwyayy      falls off.    no, not bed....   fluffy table.    to cold, hard florr     run. awake, awakeawake.   RUN. run. run. legs..  arm s...    I DONT CARE HOW   JUST RUN. USE YOUR HANDS. RUN LIKE THE WILD ANIMAL THEY THINK YOU ARE.


Charlie POV

ya now... itss kinda dunnyfunny. i wuz. running anden theywere. the blood wsnice. itf elt ggggoood