Gregory was doomed from the start.
INTERVIEWER Hello Gregory.
INTERVIEWER... Okay. Now, question one.
INTERVIEWER What's your dream?
GREGORY (disshelved) Oh. okay... I guess I... Never really had any.
INTERVIEWER Why do you think that is?
GREGORY Dunno. I mean, why would I? Besides, why do you even need to know this?
INTERVIEWER Well, you are a famous criminal, yet to be caught.
GREGORY If I'm such a criminal, the why haven't you called the cops or some shit?
INTERVIEWER uh.. well, you'd probably bolt or kill the cops.
GREGORY You'd be right.
INTERVIEWER Um, I'm the one who is supposed to be doing the questions.
GREGORY Okay then?
INTERVIEWER How would you be happiest?
GREGORY With your guts splattered on the wall.
INTERVIEWER Oh, well... I.. Think we're done here. (recording cuts)